U4iE: A Sustainable Brand

Brand Design + Photography

University Thesis Project for GradEX 109 -Toronto's Largest Free Art and Design Exhibition 

Recognition on OCAD Thesis Project website

U4iE is a sustainable brand promoting slow fashion with innovative, eco-conscious products. Their packaging is made from recycled jeans, and receipts and clothing tags are washable soap. They use eco-friendly materials and recycled vintage garments to redefine the fashion industry's impact.

U4iE releases fresh, exclusive collections weekly in limited quantities, crafting each item in small batches. Production scales up based on demand signals from data and feedback.

Their Eco-Footprint Receipt provides detailed insights into the carbon emissions, water usage, and resource consumption of each item, helping consumers make informed, sustainable choices. This transparency aligns with U4iE's mission to reshape the fashion industry's environmental impact.  

Here is a link for a flipbook

Sustainable Packaging

Washable Receipts & Clothes Tag

Using Format